
An intentional way to celebrate teammates

Candor makes it easy to give shoutouts to teammates based on your team’s values. 🎉
A set of card Takes from the culture platform Candor showcasing team shoutouts. These are messages of gratitude between teammates that celebrate the team's values.
Give recognition in the moment

Acknowledge each other’s strengths and share gratitudes when it counts.

Live team values authentically

From static words to living proof. Reinforce and celebrate team values as they happen.

Integrate shoutouts into your culture

Candor integrates with Slack to bring recognition to where you already do your best work.

How shoutouts work

How shoutouts work
Step 1: Launch the shoutouts mission and add your team values.
Get reminders to do shoutouts
Step 2: Get a weekly reminder to give a shoutout to a teammate.
Celebrate your teammates with shoutouts
Step 3: Celebrate behavior that truly represents your culture.

Real recognition happens here

A screen from the culture platform Candor that shows a card wall of team shoutouts.A shoutout on Candor with commentA shoutout on Candor with commentA shoutout on Candor with comment
know your work